Not to downplay my very good point, but there are closeted people who wouldn't consider themselves gay, but I do-or at least bi.
Yeah, the Senator Craig thing.
That's the problem with respecting self-definition -- sometimes people do it stupidly and annoy the crap out of you.
You're Glam! Of course.
(gets in GC's crankypants)
(okay, that came out... heh.)
Hello, I'm GlamGayBiUndecidedCookie!
Willow is problematic. Perhaps Oz broke her heart so thoroughly that she could never love a guy again.
To change the subject completely. When the heck did "monitize" become a word?
I'm with you GC, I mostly say you are whatever you say you are* It matters not to me unless I'm going to be sleeping with you.
- Unless there are outside social pressures saying whatever you are is wrong and you therefore feel the need to claim an identity which is not yours even though you aren't hurting anybody, because that's whack yo!
Probably at the same time toilet paper became bathroom tissue.
gets in amych's smartypants
I don't find Willow problematic at all. Yes, she loved Oz - that was a true relationship. But she grew into adulthood, connected with Tara, and realized her true orientation. How's that problematic?
Why yes, I do identify with Willow's coming out story.
New Moon Rising
made me cry and cry with the trueness of it.
If I'm not homosexual and I have close friendships with homosexual men, that doesn't make them homosexual relationships.
Of course not. Because they are platonic friendships.
This conversation has gotten to the point where I can't even tell what hair we're trying to split.