All the hawt Bitches are shifting my Kinsey. All the killer-cute Buffistae sprog make my ovaries ache.
As for online dating, here is what worked for me twice (once with notably better long-term results, but I can't say the other was the worst boyfriend I'd ever had, either): finding a chat room dedicated to a show I love (I assume this would work with any chat room dedicated to any interest aside from dating/flirting/sex), that had developed a close-knit sense of community amongst its regulars; joining in that community, making a number of good friends, and finding that there was a mutual attraction with a particular member and myself.
I have no dating site advice. I met my DH while hang gliding, and still recommend hang gliding sites as places to find lots of single men with a certain amount of disposable income.
Today I get to sit at the new, empty house and wait for the boiler boy, two floor fellows, two painter people, and a roof . . . er . . . guy. It's too early to come up with something that starts with "r". Also, we're supposed to have a lawnmower delivered today. There is no internet at the new house, but maybe I can piggyback on a neighbor's.
Have a good day, Bitches!
t shallow announcement
I'm wearing a pair of Joe jeans today! They fit!
Wow - he's so thin! I'm so impressed!
So am I!! Mind you - these are his "bigger" jeans (I bought the wrong size) but still! THEY FIT ME!
Also, I'm on hold with the water company.
They are playing THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY!!!
PC, glad to see you got through the surgery and seem to be recovering.
Fay, sounds like you had fun ... and startled your kids!
Susan, I'm scheduled for the same test next Wednesday - best to you!
Am now home from work via the swanky mall, where I bought books 2-8 of
From Eroica With Love.
Having bought book 9 yesterday. (It's set in Egypt! If I was only going to buy one, it had to be that one.)
God. It's like candy-coated crack. It's like
James Bond
Velvet Goldmine.
With a dash of
The Avengers.
Gah., I know my weaknesses, and I was damned if any other bugger was going to go back and buy the books before I did. So, er, yeah. Bought the lot. And then bought a chocolate raspberry mousse cake thingy. And am now blissing out. And wondering if the 'blood' will ever come off my hands from today's costume extravaganza.
Maybe I should have gone as Lady Macbeth.
Maybe I should have gone as Lady Macbeth.
There's nothing to keep you from spending tomorrow muttering "Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?"
a roof . . . er . . . guy.
Roof rogue?
The Bay Area is blanketed in fog. Blanketed.
Maybe I should have gone as Lady Macbeth.
Just don't go dashing any of the kids' heads against walls or anything...