Woot woot, homeownership!!!
My son is a dork. I've been slightly distracted lately, but I don't know what his excuse is. He JUST went looking for his Halloween costume from last year. He doesn't mind the repeat, but I didn't realize he didn't know where it was. Oy.
Pumpkins are carved. K-Bug is off to work with my MissInformation sash, CJ is getting zombi-fied... I wanna go to sleep.
Yay new home!
Mr. Jane is getting dressed. I already am. [link]
Wow! DJ, you look incredible. You did a great job making the costume.
Ah-OOO-gah! Very nice, Daisy
Thanks y'all! Mr. Jane's just finishing up Eddie, then we're out!
Congrats, Homeowner Sparky!
yay for Sparky!!!! Congrats!!!!
So, since my face is still a bit scrapped up, and needing band aids, I decided to don my USA Hockey shirt from the MIRACLE opening. I iz a Hockey Player (after the game). Ya, well, normally I don't dress up, so, it's an improvement.
So, since I am trapped in the far booth today for tech, I sent an e-mail to CuteGraphicsGirl that "I wouldn't be able to see her spiffy costume, cuz I something tells me you're the costume type". So she came up to visit for like a half hour! :) THEN, when I came back from dinner break, I find 3 Halloween Cupcakes in the booth, and just as I was wondering who left those, she texts me fessing up to it. Damn, just missed her. I'm not going to over-read into the situation, but ya, I'm smitten :)
Hey, even without reading you get cupcakes! Cupcakes are a win.