I was thinking today that I need to get an Ergo Baby Carrier for work. I work on pregnant women, and then I work on them post-baby. Sometimes the babies come with them and don't want to stay in the carseat. This would give me the ability to work on momma and keep baby happy.
If you're serious, do you want mine?
I love you guys! I was feeling so old today!
I have Beavis & Butthead music videos. It is silly how happy this makes me. Maybe it's the mimosa.
Ok, I have procured a white turtleneck for under Em's dress, pink tights for under her dress also, black tights for under my costume. When we get home I need to: repair Em's costume (she played in it alot yesterday and ripped the back of the sleeves. sigh.), attempt to fix the hem and not make it a Sexy Sleeping Beauty cosume, repair my own costume, feed us all dinner, get ready to go, and then head to out to trick or treat and visit friends and family.
I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
GC you look gorgeous, as always.
You'll have fun, Aims!
t blush
Thank you, sj, you sweet thing you.
I am going to be a 4-H volunteer.
Whose life am I leading here?
Aimee, that sounds exhausting but fun! Me, I'm getting together the energy to go shopping and go home. Thought about getting candy, but the only people within a half-mile or so of my house are 40 and over (and there are only about ten of those).
Whose life am I leading here?
I vote for Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.