Oh. Oh! The girl who emailed me a few weeks ago to ask if it would affect her grade if she didn't come to recitations? I hand back homework at recitations. She just emailed me again to say that she hasn't gotten back her homework, and she can't come to my office hours, so could I leave her old homeworks at the math office for her to pick up?
Ha. That's a no. That's a hell no.
Ain't karma a bitch. That makes me so happy, Hil.
My commute was hellacious today because of this: [link]
Poor people.
Ha. That's a no. That's a hell no.
Dude. Dark!Hill. First she buys a corset...
Poor people.
So sad
I just opened the Winter Brew pack from Costplus that Juliana made me buy (by which of course she mentioned it to me and said it was good), and there was a Winter Solstice bottle in it!
\\o/. I will be purchasing a couple winter brew packs this weekend, after I've worked through what left of the Lagunitas IPA six-pack AND the Anchor Porter six-pack. (Only a couple bottle left of each, and SPN this week, so I'm golden.)
Stephanie, YAY on sleep!
So, there's the big parade this afternoon. This morning, I went to see one of my profs, and he was answering his 10th e-mail on whether or not there would be class during the parade.
Now I'm sitting in the cafeteria, listening to people complain about the fact that profs are upset because people are skipping due to the parade.
I find it all kind of humorous.
I'm trying to convince myself that I need to stop watching the parade and get my car inspected. It's not working yet.
Oops! I killed the thread.
gronk. Do I have to go to work today?
GC, I heard about that on KPCC. OMG! As if the 405 isn't bad enough. I'm curious how that got to be?? Crazy!
ION. Aaaahhhhhh death by papercuts (not literally papercuts, just a cajillion stupid little things bogging my poor brain down and making work not go fast & smooth... so what do I do. Catch up on Bitches of course (it was only 11 posts!)