horror stories about [anything to do with hospitals]
oh sweet & fluffy lord yes - I think it's sort of like the laugh-reaction when someone is stressed? But I want some sort of spray or adhesive or at least a card that I can hand That Person, which says something along the lines of:
I Understand that Your Terrible Experience with ___________________ seems Mightily Important to Share at this Exact Moment. Please Consider That I May Not :
() Agree
() Care
() Miss you if I retch while you are speaking.
{{Stephanie and Joe}} Much ~ma to you both!
Shit, Stephanie! Vibing for Joe over here.
Maleficent is my favorite villian, and Aimee does a mean Maleficent! Which is only right.
Thanks, Zen and everyone!
I'm really proud of my costume. I made it all by myself. Even the hood/horns!!
really?!?! I was wondering where you'd bought it!
Sending out the ma~~~ Stephanie. Being a wife that also gets irritated at her DH when he is sick or in pain, I understand. It is part worry, part annoyance because I am not sure he is going to do anything about it. anyway, my best to you and joe
really?!?! I was wondering where you'd bought it!
Nope! Made it all by myself.
On Saturday.
t preens, just a little cause really really proud.
Maleficent is great and so's your costume, Aimee! I bought little white and pink kitty ears on barrettes at D'land that I'm going to wear. I'm not much for dressing up, but I like to do a little something. I have devil horns on bobby pins that I've worn for years so changing it up a bit this year.
My co. has been cutting down on expenses lately and I've been hoping it would cause a certain 3-day event to get cancelled. I came in this morning to an email that says, "...there are some changes regarding the XXX meeting...we'll discuss later..." Please let it be cancelled!!!
Great job Aimee.
I am trying to decide if I am ready o go out in public. I know I have to pu on clothes- but it is the coughing and choking thing that I hate to do in public.
I am assuming I will be working tomorrow at least part of the day. ( no fever, I am just a walking germ factory)