Oh Suzi. I do think it's important to remember, like JZ said, that this is probably just a phase he's going through, but how awful for you to have to deal with. I think it's time to break out the tried-and-true parental guilt. Words like "I'm so disappointed" and "I don't like the person you are right now" always worked wonders on me when I did something cruel and my parents caught it. {{{Suzi}}} Hang in there. Parenting is hard.
sj, yay conquering the DMV!
In lighter news, this lolcat made me think "it was little and white and looked like a tooth, so I ate it." Hee.
Shitty day for my Bitches! That's no good. Hugs all around.
Also, Suzi's a good mom, even if she hangs my very thoughtful gift.
I had a very good day, although, I'm all out of Peppy, Engaging, Interactive, Brave, Walk-up-to-an-author-I'm-currently-reading/researching Val.
Aw. Now I miss Cindy like whoa.
{{{Suzi}}} I have no words of wisdom, really, except to say I sympathize. We've been going through things with Jake this year that I *never* would have anticipated and still floor me. If you want to e about it, just shout, babe. ::hugs Suzi hard::
Suzi, CJ is a good kid. I hope he outgrows this phase quickly.
I need to pack for California because we have to get up at 4 a.m. to get to the airport tomorrow. Blerg.
((Suzi)) I have to say that I'm like JZ. I said some things to a couple different girls that were just unbelievably cruel, because I could and because when I did I felt like I wasn't the bottom of the barrel,there was some one worse off than me. That's twisted and wrong, but you don't always think straight when your a kid.
I'm home and have done the "mean mom" talking thing. He is very hung up on "fair" and how he got in trouble when the other kid started it. I just keep pushing on how complicated "fair" can be and how he need to be responsible for his own actions and he has no control over the other person.
Parenting is a bitch.
But, see, I was here, and that was a really good, reasonable talk.
Suzi's a really good mom.
Ok. I'm gonna kill the board with more cute baby pictures. This time, he's a frog: [link]
Fuck "fair". There is no "fair" when it's being overridden by "asshole". Only, you know, in parenting-appropriate language.
my Mom used to say, "life isn't fair." But it only made me more frustrated so don't use that.