Did anyone see Brothers & Sisters this week? I need to rant a bit:
DUDE! Sally Field! You live up your children's butts and yet the one time you might have stuck around to prevent one from having a freakin' AFFAIR you suddenly develope some boundaries?
Affair Son! (man, I just can't keep those boys straight) 1) Yes, you SHOULD go get your wife. 2) She wants to be around her parents, if you throw them out guess what happens? She goes with them, Jackass. And she's right, she DOES put up with your family incessantly. Duh. 3) she's been gone an episode and a half, don't fuck your secretary
Mistress Chick: Oh my God, go away. What kind of passive aggressive head case deprives her daughter of knowing her own Father AND then gets up the butts of her lover's family once he's dead? Dude.
Kitty: oh shut up. Or talk to him. Or just shut up.
Rachel Griffith: you did not have ten good years with joe. it was nine MAX because at least one you spent bitching before our very eyes
Bastard Half Sister: dude, he's an addict and he's lying to you. he said he would. and now he is. quit pouting oh jesuz gawd stop pouting
Gay Brother: ooooh, he's a MINISTER. and did I mention that he's a minister? Wow. He's a minister. We know nothing else about him as a person, apparently his sum-total as a human being is that he is a minister and not half so gay seeming as Rob Lowe. And Lana's parents? Dead
Rob: Rob rob rob rob rob... you're just playing Sam Seaborn again and its creeping me out.
OK, I feel better now.
That was an excellent rant.
I really enjoyed it and I don't even watch that show.
I didn't even know the show existed and I enjoyed the rant.
Don't watch it. Don't even try.
It's too late for me, run while you can...
Oh, Trudy, after watching that train wreck of a show with you and Hil at F2F... that was brilliant. Made my afternoon.
Wasn't that fun?
Sometimes TV is just so inter-active what with all the screaming and throwing things.
One of my cashiers is looking a little rough around the edges today. Ordinarily I would ask if he's doing OK but today I'm afraid I look like crap and I don't want anyone asking me why. It's the reverse golden rule: do not do unto others what you'd rather they not do unto you.
It's the reverse golden rule: do not do unto others what you'd rather they not do unto you.
Which actually makes more sense. The Golden Rule is a little bizarre in its implications. If I want cheesecake for myself, I'm suppose to... give cheesecake to everyone else?
Whereas, not denying cheesecake to others is pretty doable.
Parental crisis.
Got an e-mail from CJ's teacher about him getting into trouble at school, refusing to take responsibility for the problem, and then writing the cruelest apology ever. She sent me what he wrote and I can't even write it here. I am so embarassed. My child.
I have been in a state of....wow....for over an hour and have no idea how to deal with this. He is being a bully and cruel and not taking responsibility for his actions. Who is this kid?
Many of you have met him. I don't understand. I mean, I do and yet I don't. He has been talking back at home lately and all that, I mean, normal kid stuff and we get on him about it, but cruel? Bully? I'm aghast.