Aimee, I saw a little girl in a Snow White costume at Disneyland last Sunday, and I totally thought of Em. SO CUTE.
ETA: If someone could teleport behind my desk chair right now and rub my neck and shoulders, this whole comment-writing thing would be much easier. IJS.
So what
they call Sleeping Beauty after she woke up?
"Hey look - it's Sleeping Beauty!"
"Fuck you. I'm not sleeping anymore."
"So, should we call you Formerly Sleeping Beauty?"
"Fuck off."
Sounds like Sleeping Beauty woke up cranky.
Yeah, the downside to not having a Starbucks on every corner....
Her name was Aurora! Geez, people.
Snow White, on the other hand .... didn't have a name?
Her name was Aurora! Geez, people.
I was actually thinking of making her be Briar Rose. :)
Aw! Briar Rose.
Sara wants to be a fairy princess this year, too. At least that's what she said yesterday. Last week she wanted to be, on alternate days, a pirate, a flower, and a werewolf.
My sons are going as Batman and Robin. They sent me a picture of themselves in costume. Too cute.
Of course, this just makes me want to whip up a Maleficent costume for myself since she's my favorite villian.
I asked CJ what he wanted to be and he wants to repeat last year's costume - a zombie pirate. Goofy boy. But hey, not complaining.
I gotta get working on making my pagent sash. I shall be a glittery mess between now and Halloween - not complaining, just commenting.