Although - can't you make emergency calls on phones that are password protected? Isn't that a safety feature they all have now?
I thought so, too.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Although - can't you make emergency calls on phones that are password protected? Isn't that a safety feature they all have now?
I thought so, too.
They weren't keeping my full attention up until then, but when they got that wrong, I just turned the TV off.
Re:recognizable actors, did no one recognize the nun [link] ?
I definitely recognized Sister General Beckman.
Heh, Nathan Fillion responded on Twitter to the phone thing:
“@iMenchi:Watching Castle. most cell phones make an emergency call even while locked.” Pull not the thread, lest the sweater unravel.
Just finished Castle. The C does not go to the Bronx. Drove me crazy.
Custom Castle logo for the Christmas episode. Cute.
Plus the Santa fight near the end made me laugh.
Yes! Lots of nice moments with the supporting cast.
The cutest thing about Castle was the "Ho ho" that all the Santas were doing during the fight. Just at my cute threshold.
H5O question--if you woke up from unconsciousness and some guy who you'd never seen while you're not on the job is rubbing things on your mouth and that's not his job--a little creepy, no?
Well, I posted this in the wrong thread, and now it seems kind of silly, but, whatever.
I thought Castle was kind of adorable (murder notwithstanding). The look on Esposito's face when he accepted the dinner invitation at the end was just lovely. Possibly made me tear up a bit.
And for whatever reason, "...those feakin' tiny sandwiches..." cracked me up.