did you recognize her in tonight's Law & Order episode?
If it weren't for her voice, I wouldn't have known who the heck she was.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
did you recognize her in tonight's Law & Order episode?
If it weren't for her voice, I wouldn't have known who the heck she was.
I know!
She needs a Botox Intervention, stat!
Heh. The latest Harper's index points out that the number of murders in the three Law and Orders last season was greater than the number of homicides that actually occurred last year in Manhattan.
Does Cantebury's Law count as a procedural? I like the show, but as someone who grew up in RI, I have to say, Narragansett hospital does not exist and the actor pronounced it weird. Then they showed the sign for Rhode Island hospital, so why not just call it by it's real name in the first place?
Narragansett hospital does not exist and the actor pronounced it weird.
I hate it when they pronounce hospital as in hospitality. Oh, wait, they mispronounced Narragansett? That's unpossible. Wait till they have to do Usquepaug or Apponaug or Newport or something.
I hadn't realized CL was set in Rhody. Now I have to watch an episode.
I didn't realize it either.
Of course, the fact that Fox has replaced it on Monday nights with repeats of House and moved it to Friday night bodes ill for the show.
I hate it when they pronounce hospital as in hospitality. Oh, wait, they mispronounced Narragansett? That's unpossible.
Oh come on - everyone who has ever had that beer has declared it Nastygansett, so why is another mispronunciation so hard to believe?
I'm pretty sure the hospital was named after the bay, not the beer. And actually, Gansett porter was terrific.
I'm rewatching my Bones DVDs and I'm up to Booth having therapy with Stephen Fry. Gosh, it's weird seeing David Boreanaz have to look up at somebody. I'd never realized how big a guy Stephen Fry is.
I loved those episodes with Booth in therapy with Stephen Fry.