Hmmm, what show should she be a regular on. . . would there be a spot for her in Joss' new show? That would kind of rock.
(Meanwhile, everywhere I go on TWOp --- okay the L&O and Jericho forums are chockful of people exclaiming "Toepick" because of Moira Kelly and DB Sweeney. Is there a cure for this?)
"Toepick" because of Moira Kelly and DB Sweeney. Is there a cure for this?
I think it may be incurable. It is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I see either of them!
I don't think Moira's face is that way only because of age. I swear plastic surgery did her wrong too.
yeah, it's sort of altered. In some way I can't point to? Death by collagen?
She's still cute. But, you know, you don't want people thinking "She's had work done."
I read over at TWOP's
thread about somebody who first saw Sharon Shahi on
Alias? I thought - yes - she was Will's assistant at the paper - the one that had the crush on him!
The guys behind Homicide:LOTS are attempting to revive
The Saint.
Purefoy would be great as the Saint. Before getting to that part of the article, I was musing about who I would want, but once I saw that name, all other options were deleted.
I wish they'd go back to the books, though. The show went pretty far afield from the books, and not in a good way.
But Roger Moore was so adorable. :) I netflixed all of them, and mainlined them in 2 days. Also, part of my love is that whole old school culture, where people dressed for dinner and men owned white and black jackets for evening.
Did you notice that Roger Moore's son is one of the people involved?