It doesn't fit the procedural template this thread was created for--like Grey's for instance, which figures things out--that doesn't make it a fit.
I'm not trying to argue the definition of the word--just stating that this thread was created for shows like House and Castle where every typical episode template presents one or two mysteries to be solved by the protagonists, which isn't the same as "a problem was solved" and "bad guys were taken down" which is what Flashpoint does.
Where would you put Flashpoint?
Natter, and then Unamerican or Cable Box, since it's not on a US network any more.
I've been watching it exclusively on the ION channel, which is a US channel. Where else does it air?
It's a Canadian show and the US just gets the repeats afterwards.
ION will be showing the new season as well as CTV, if not concurrently then shortly after. The network ponies up a substantial portion of production costs.
Hasn't season 5 already run in Canada? It's not been on ION yet, has it?
What is the correct terminology for ABC/NBC/CBS/CW and possibly also PBS? That's what I meant to say.
It used to be on CBS, but now that it's only on ION it's incontrovertibly Cable Box.
FTR, season 5 starts September 27 in Canada. I don't know if ION has scheduled a date yet.
Halfway through Major Crimes, and DiNozzo isn't enough to keep my attention on the crime. When the priest tells Raydor that Rusty is being thrown out for
the fight, and the priest's defence is "I want my students to be safe" isn't the reflexive answer "then throw out the students that attack other kids"? Why does it have to come down to hypocrisy and threats of action first? Shouldn't that be the position he defends?
I do think it's kind of weird to yell at a teenager attacked by three people for using disproportionate force--he's not a trained fighter, and even if he was, a certain amount of "more" is allowed to end the fight, legally. So few kids his age are going to be able to modulate violence like she's yelling at him for not doing. He didn't pull a weapon. With multiple attackers you do go harder. You can't let them all gang up on you at once.
Why does it have to come down to hypocrisy and threats of action first? Shouldn't that be the position he defends?
They don't want Rusty in the school. I wish that Raydor had called the priest on his bullshit about "zero tolerance". After acknowledging that the other kid(s) started the fight, why was Rusty getting expelled, and the other three getting suspended? Typical school bullshit.
Although, I wish that the point was moot, because this Rusty storyline has gotten old. What is the point?
It's that typical bullshit stereotype that a female protagonist must have some stupid flaw or block to her competence. In Brenda's case, it was her addiction to sweets. Raydor has to have this trouble maker that keeps her from getting to crime scenes, etc. Ridiculous. I'm going to stop watching if they don't get rid of Rusty (or at least greatly reduce his screen time).