Er in fairness to the Pinkertons, they were successful in catching robbers pre-civil War. And Alan Pinkerton handle intelligence for much of the term of the Lincoln Adminstration. The Pinkerton's turned to strikebreaking and such as their primary revenue source post US Civil War. And when that was eventually outlawed they became providers of Security Guards, which they still do today, along with conventional PI services.
The point is, at the time Doyle was writing the first Sherlock Holmes story PI brought to mind "Pinkerton" and "Thug" and "Strikebreaker".
Al Swearingen hates their guts.But he's a criminal.
There are any number of ex-FBI agents and other former law enforcement people, plus specialists in particular aspects of forensic science, who consult with police departments today. The original Holmes could say he was the only one, but not a current-day Holmes.
But Sherlock actually investigates. Can a consultant do that without needing a PI license?
And Erika, I was raised to hate PInkertons too. Even after being thugs en masse was outlawed, labor organizers still got beat up by Pinkertons. And Dashiel Hammett always claimed to have stopped being a PI after he turned down a contract from a big Detective Agency to murder a labor leader. I don't remember whether the agency was Pinkertons or not or even if Hammett said, but it probably was.
Sherlock must be living in a world without the concept of Psych or The Mentalist or a bunch of other shows, not to mention real life. I think it is really cheesy to lead with, since it's meaningless.
I think it was, TB.(just read Maltese Falcon last year)
Hrm. So an episode of Sherlock S1 and one of Luther S1 both have the same pivotal plot point. The exact same. Even the wording on discovery is the same. Looks like the Luther ep aired a couple months before the Sherlock one... I imagine there must of been some issues when the Sherlock team found out Luther had used the same significant plot reveal before they went to air? How much creative crossover is there within BBC1 series creators?
Do we talk about Flashpoint anywhere? Well, really all I have to say is that I'm just starting to watch it on Netflix, and I like it. The bald guy who is not Enrico is both attractive to me and also reminds me of my just previous boss, which makes that highly disturbing. I predict weird dreams.
ETA: Which is not to say that Enrico is not an attractive man; I just needed to distinguish between the two.
Good show, though!
Hugh Dillon? Better known to fandom as the guy from Hard Core Logo?
Yeah, he has an air about him. I don't get the impression that Joe Dick and Ed would really get along too well.
I don't think Flashpoint is a procedural, though.