It wants to be Justified, but it is so not. It is not even CBS!Justified.
True Dat.
Just one aspect: if cats could understand human speech Raylan could persuade them to take swimming lessons. In contrast, Sheriff Longmire could not sell red, white and blue Popsicles during a hot July 4th on a crowded beach.
Yeah. Not every lead can be Olyphant, though.
But it just seemed kind of...old-fashioned(as opposed to cool-retro) for me personally.
I fell asleep partway through The Closer (but woke up for the ending). Did we find out who the mole is yet?
I suspect they are saving that for the last episode. Since they are signaling so hard Brenda will lose her job they are using flare guns. And while there is some suspense as to whether she ends up in jail, they will really surprise me if they go there. Plus, realistically, cops normally don't go to jail for anything they do on the job, especially not cops with rank.
So how did I not get spoilt for the end of The Closer?
Did none of you guys watch it, or it didn't provoke any urge to talk?
It has not ended yet, has it? I'm planning on watching the current ep tonight. That is not the last ep I'm pretty sure.
I honestly expected it to be her father, given his history. On the other hand, given the many times during the episode that her mother said "Brenda I need a few minutes to talk to you" and Brenda kept blowing her off -- seriously, you've got an elderly mom caring for a critically ill father, and you can't give her 10 minutes of your time?
You'll find out what I meant, TB, once you've watched it.
Did none of you guys watch it, or it didn't provoke any urge to talk?
I was too tired to post that night, but the commercials pretty much gave away that something big was going to happen. I figured it out a few minutes before it happened.