Is that our last new House until post-strike?
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Is that our last new House until post-strike?
They are repeating the after-Super Bowl episode on Feb 15 I heard, but otherwise I don't know.
New Law & Order tonight. Title: Quit Claim.
I really enjoyed L&O last night although, from what I read over on TWOP, it was chockful of things that WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. But it had more McCoy and Cutter giving him a Bobby Kennedy tie-pin was just excellent.
Cutter giving him a Bobby Kennedy tie-pin was just excellent.Especially since Roach played Bobby Kennedy in a TV movie. It made me laugh. I'm very happy that they're giving McCoy at lot of screen time as the DA, and I loved the part where he said he now knows why Adam Schiff was always in such a bad mood.
Here's great post I stumbled across on LJ of reasons why we love Bones: [link] Good stuff!
That pretty much sums it up for me.
NBC caught onto my endeavor to promote their show for free and kindly asked me to stop, so no more YT for me!
In that spirit, I give to you "It's Good To Be Back" as a belated reaction to the good news about Life:
dowlnoad: [link]