Unless they have climate-controlled storage, like some people have for their wine.
Which, ya know, you're not going to do for a bloody tennis racquet. You just have the thing restrung. In Miami, I'm sure you can have that done in about as many places as you can have a key cut.
It just seemed weird--it's not like they picked something even vaguely obscure or hard to research. Tons of people play tennis. I don't even play tennis, and I knew it was crap.
The mystery on Castle didn't grab me very much, but the relationships were cool. I do like Ryan finding out he's just too happy to be attractive--I'm glad they raised the cliche of married men being
attractive, not less, because I thought that was weird. And I do wonder if Castle finding out Beckett wanting to be a lawyer is going to go anywhere. They certainly seemed to linger on it.
However, I was more grabbed by the preview for next week and the reveal of Kate knowing he's in love with her the whole time than by any part of the case this week.
As soon as Ryan took his ring off, I thought, "that's going to get lost" (he was standing by the elevator! There's a ring-sized gap for things to drop down the shaft!) So I'm glad that once again Castle did not go for the easy cliche. I should know better by now than to expect such things from these writers!
Still nervous, however, about how next week's going to go. (Fortunately, I also know that promos seldom bear any resemblance to the actual show.)
Still nervous, however, about how next week's going to go.
I expect some serious angst. And, I hope, another therapy session.
ooh ... wouldn't it be fun if there were a Castle/Bones crossover to bring in Stephen Fry as a therapist?
Making light has a "That's why they have CSI" in Georgia to the tune of "The night the lights went out in Georgia". It would be funnier if it were not for recent news event, but still funny if you think of the song and the show, and not current events.
Would Missing be discussed here? It's surprisingly good so far.
Also, why are all the new shows single words?
that completely cracked my shit up.
And mine.
And to that point, I was just about to post that there's talk in Boxed Set about Missing, but no... it's Awake I was thinking of. Stupid one name shows. Or stupid brain. Whatever. Shut up.