Why is JJ so much my hero? I swear, she brings a tear to my eye more easily than anyone else. I like that it was so different seeing her squarely in the field, as opposed to how she was before. I like that they made a difference between JJ's old role and her new one.
I just want things to be okay between her and Will. I don't want him to be the ass that doesn't want his wife in an active role. Wife/spouse--it's not a gender thing. I'm just tired of so many spouses that don't make peace with such an integral part of their loved one's lives, one that existed before they showed up, and in this case was why they met.
More spouses like El, I'm just saying. Like it, love it, respect it, even get off on it. We need more of that.
Also, go Hotch!
Normally I don't like this much time spent with the not-unsub, but I think it worked out okay this time, since we weren't just watching him kill people, nor was it a trawl through his life that felt unrelated to the tension.
I loved seeing JJ get all tough and bad-ass with the bad guy. She's shown a little of it (when she shot the guy who'd shot Garcia), but this was flat-out Prentice-level toughness.
The phrase "I can take it" flashed through my mind as she fought, and then I cheered the nad shot extra hard.
I loved the moment with Morgan at the end. It was a great character mOment, as well as giving some background on how suddenly JJ was a badass
Oh, H50, it's a good thing you're so pretty because you are ridiculous. (I'm way behind on this week's TV).
Oh, -t, I gave up on sense with that show a long time I ago. I just like seeing Steve shoot things and hit people and watching Danny walk away.
Me, too, for the most part. It is
pretty, after all. Every now and then I can't help but notice anew how silly it is, though.
At least they got rid of Lori. The fandom hated her from the get go. Or maybe that was just the slash fandom.
Heh. I never did learn her name.
She was kinda blah. And it's not like they have character development on the show, so if she can't work the magnetism by herself, well, the script isn't going to help her.
I mean, I don't think they do well by anyone not named Steve or Danny, but Grace and Daniel are gorgeous and magnetic, so they at least fill out the background nicely. But, hello, can we have some actual sexuality up in there? I mean, DDK's definitively sexy, and the character's in a relationship, but he still strikes me as remarkably neutered.