I just watched the clip of Abed on Cougartown (bear with me) and the Subway was just as blatant. I didn't know they extended the obvious past Chuck. Good god. It's worse than most of the car placement. At least it's a little more deftly integrated than the Degree antiperspirant in Eureka (the gold standard), but still. It's everywhere. They're the whores of sandwiches.
And they don't taste as nice as Quiznos.
I admit, I often find the really obvious product placements kind of endearing. Depending more on my affection for the show than the product being placed, which is, I guess, the whole point. So, well done marketing people, I suppose.
But then I rarely go out and buy said products, so maybe not so well done?
The only product placement that's worked on me is having Neal Caffrey drink Ketel One. Normally I'm a Grey Goose girl, but one of the last times I was specifying the good stuff for my gimlet, I was briefly possessed by the spirit (NPI) of Neal, and got Ketel One instead. It was quite tasty.
Subway can go stick it up their rear, and the only car I'd buy because of its appearance on a show would be a black 67 MustangIMPALA, and only if I'd also married a mechanic with lots of time on his hands.
I'm glad Degree helped pay for my best friend's house, but I'm more particular about my deodorant than to respond to that. These are my pits we're talking about.
That's what I get for typing while I'm talking on a conference call. I hope I didn't say anything about angel sex on the phone, because that was the other thing on my mind.
In one of the Hot Shots spoof movies, they're in the Rambo-esque monastery for the big fight, and they've got a Subway in the lobby of the monastery. It was very funny. They at least know when to laugh at themselves.
Tommy Flanagan (from SoA) will be on L&O:SVU.
oh Castle ... how I love you!
But why must every tv show that involves the dog show world be such a train wreck about the way that dog shows work?
But otherwise, a fun story.