When you contrast that with CSI - I mean CSI is firing on all cylinders this season. It is kind of amazing to watch.
I know! That's a show that really managed to regain its grove bigtime. I think bringing in Ted Danson revitalized the writers' synapses.
Truly. And they are actually having scripts where other actors on CSI are getting some quality acting time!
But they're getting rid of Catherine! Which officially means none of the CSIs have cool older women (sorry, I hate Sela Ward's character--I think she's annoying as fuck).
her plastic surgery on her face is awful.
Sela, or Marg?
I loved the CSI episode where Catherine was all "What is cosmetic surgery? I don't UNDERSTAND."
Ah, honey, yes you do.
So agreed about CSI - I kind of love Ted Danson's character a lot. I'm not sure I've ever felt that way about a Ted Danson character before.
Cas[ETA: s]*, I had exactly the same thought last night during the shoot-out -- I think I could have hit that dude with two guns in my hand standing that close. You know, if I weren't cowering in a corner somewhere, but, hell, if he's that crappy a shot, maybe not. But Ziva??? Come on!!
*Though you are absolutely an angel. Just not that angel.
Yeah, the DH and I are kind of amazed at how much better CSI is this year.
I just love the fact that they gave Danson's character what seems like a solidly happy home life, with a wife, kids, and everything.
Me, too, Kathy! He's not messed up. It's refreshing!
Marg got a better doctor so her face moves this season where it didn't about 2 years ago.