They were doing that up until the final season, I'm sure. Probably 20%?
I found someone who ran the numbers on the first 10 seasons [link] After a low point of 59% success in the 1993 season, the show went to a fairly steady 75% success rate. Now I want to find out what he needs to do the next 10 seasons.
I love the internet.
I felt there was an excess of death in the episodes of Person of Interest I watched, LeN, but I'll give it another try. I trust your judgment.
Sniff. I miss Connie and Mike.
Linus Roache is recurring on SVU. He's been promoted to Bureau Chief.
I'm not missing Meloni as much as I though I would.
Linus Roache is recurring on SVU. He's been promoted to Bureau Chief.
Ok, that almost gives me incentive to catch up on my backlog of SVU.(I haven't finished last season yet on the DVR)
I'm not missing Meloni as much as I though I would.
I'm not missing Meloni but I don't like how Benson has become this wise-mother-sage or whatev in his absence.
I'm not missing Meloni as much as I though I would.
Warren Leight, the showrunner for seven seasons of L&O:CI, is now running SVU, so I'm giving it another chance. I was weary of the drama from both Olivia and Elliot, and their increasingly loose interpretation of the rules.
I'm not missing Meloni but I don't like how Benson has become this wise-mother-sage or whatev in his absence.
I'm just tuning her out. Kelly Giddish and Danny Pino have surprised me.
Warren Leight, the showrunner for seven seasons of L&O:CI, is now running SVU, so I'm giving it another chance.
He is the only reson why I kept my SVU season pass. Otherwise, I would have waited to catch the inevitable rerun on USA.
Man, I don't care what you all say, I'm not watching SVU! Uh uh. I watched a couple of seasons of that show and it scarred me for life.
Ginger, I'm not going to promise you won't have issues with POI, but I have yet to feel that Jesus killed someone and it wasn't a case of self-defense. I think they try to make that point clear.
Oh God. Poor Linus Roache. I didn't know! He's a marvellous actor and deserves better than the trainwreck that is SVU. Well, at least he's earning a decent paycheck and living in New York, which is something, I guess.
Linus or Jesus
It took me a second to figure this out!
Vigilantism is a fantasy of justice and fairness, emphasis on fantasy. In RL, it's bad, but in RL, there's no Machine, either. Some things I can't deal with even in fantasy, and I get it if vigilantism is that for anyone else, it just isn't that for me.
God, don't get me started on how much I hate Detective Benson. Every time Mariska gets her(seemingly inevitable) Best Actress Emmy nomination, I think "What? Did all the other actresses DIE?"
That must be how Mark Hellish felt. But I did have to quit watching, cause I went from fan to casual viewer to *very* casual viewer who was a. pissed about how they treated Munch and 2. Only managed to catch the ones where Olivia's quivering lip played the lead. Even Psycho!Stabler only helped so much. Also, the Famous Guest is totally always the perp.
Leave it to network TV to make catching rapists boring.
George Pelecanos says the crime procedural is today's Western.