I like the cop shows where they occasionally talk about having to make a case for the DA or leaving angles that the defense can work with.
There was even a Bones where they weren't able to take the person to court because the bad guy kept his mouth shut and they didn't have compelling evidence.
He is a supervillain who happens to fight other supervillains much of the time.
What makes a supervillain for you? Surely the guy fighting to save the world and stop mass destruction isn't your average nor your super sort of bad guy?
it portrays cops unapologetically crossing ethical lines more often than other cop shows
I loved the potential premise that she could out-think people into giving confessions by running circles around them. But she relies so much on emotional intimidation that I don't find her obvious talents worthy of respect. As noted, though, I think she has one of the best supporting casts on TV right now, so I keep coming back. I can see why they might keep working under her, but for the life of me I can*not* get her husband. That creeps me out.
A show like Castle either manages to keep everyone "nicer" or to just keep amusing me so that I'm distracted by laughter and charisma. Haven't worked out which. But when I watched McGarrett injure EMTs on his way out it was over for me with regards to his character and even any shipping, really. Again, just in it for the Danno, and the wish that they'd do more with Daniel Dae Kim's character. Kono's about alright. Okay, she can still make me cry every now and again.
Yeah, that diminished my enjoyment of H50. But I do still enjoy it, whereas when Person of Interest demonstrated that as long as the only people who were killed were not the ones identified by the machine, their deaths were of no importance I quit watching. Not sure what the difference is, or if there really is one.
I don't get Person of Interest, but I started watching pretty late on in the season, relatively speaking. I can barely get through the mangst to the weekly plot.
I think the mangst may be the weekly plot.
now Action Hero Steve as portrayed by Alex O'Loughlin in a not-bad American accent.
I did not know he was not American. Go him with the accent. I don't watch it much anymore, but I do love Dano, and, damn, they are pretty.
I love Person of Interest. It is not a good show, but I cannot look away. Ben Linus as a freedom fighter? Cannot get enough of that shit. James Jesus whispering for an hour? Weirdly compelling.
I have watched every episode and I plan to watch more!
::cancels Person of Interest out from underneath LeN::
I love Person of Interest. It is not a good show, but I cannot look away. Ben Linus as a freedom fighter? Cannot get enough of that shit. James Jesus whispering for an hour? Weirdly compelling.
Sits in the corner with le nubian
Oh, yeah, I'm probably hypersensitive, but I needed a 9/11 alert for the PoI pilot...
And, seriously, the backstory is making the mangst worse, not more understandable. I think Jim C is so psycho looking I don't get how he could be an agent.