I thought the show was a waste of whatever rights they were paying the UK, though. It had nothing to do with the original series. No throughline at all. Nothing save names.
But it was becoming a decent cop drama. They were getting less thoroughly unlikeable.
NBC, you're on the list.
apparently the first couple of episodes did borrow plots from the original. I wouldn't know because I didn't care for the series that much.
I agree though, that the series didn't even have a passing resemblance to the originary.
NCIS: I rather like the idea of DiNozzo and a chaplain. He could use a female friend that doesn't beat up people, plus her job shortcircuits most of his female-coping methods--despite the naughty Catholic schoolgirl remark, which I'm pleased that the chaplain ignored.
I came into the ep late, was Tony's terror of children mentioned earlier?
And DiNozzo Sr. next week! I've often thought that Michael Weatherly looks a lot like Robert Wagner.
I've often thought that Michael Weatherly looks a lot like Robert Wagner.
Weatherly actually played Wagner in a tv movie about Natalie Wood a few years before NCIS began.
I came into the ep late, was Tony's terror of children mentioned earlier?
He made oblique references to being afraid of something, but never said what. The chaplain had been riding him about that fear all ep.
And I also really like her as a friend for Tony. Last week, I was afraid they were going to put her up as a potential love interest for Gibbs, which she's way too young for, so having her and Tony as platonic friends would be great.
Speaking of Gibbs and the ladies, I liked the flashbacks to the female Marine of his youth; it reinforced that he definitely has an eye for strong and forthright women (see Hollis Mann, Jenny Shepherd, as well as Shannon).
I think she'd be great as a walk-on friend/spiritual advisor for the whole team. It's an angle that could be explored to great interest, and she's supposed to be at the Navy Yard already, so she's handy.
Sad about "Prime Suspect"
Though not Made Of Awesome like the original, it was developing into a decent show.(I hoped to see them go after the same perp for multiple eps like the original, but maybe I'm the only one who wanted it *more* complicated.)
And you know they'll just shove more competitive singing/dancing/weightloss/fashion/ bullshit into the timeslot. More wacky challengrs, laundry, and betrayal. Yay.
which she's way too young for
Why? I totally don't get that. She's not immature. And Gibbs sort of is.
All of his other lady-friends have been closer to his age (again, see Hollis Mann, Jenny Shepherd).