H50 has not been hitting on all cylinders for me this season. I still enjoy the pretty, but I've found the pacing really spotty and some of the writing is just so stilted, I feel like a socially-awkward 10-year-old is writing it.
Although, I have to admit I loved the scene with Steve and Danny watching the movie and Danny tearing up at the alien birth scene. I have a feeling the screencappers are going to have a field day with that scene.
Yes, that was a lovely scene.
I know he's right about the movie, and I haven't even seen it. I just know which one it is, and what it's about.
Sail, you want links? The 'caps were up by midnight :). It was a great scene, felt like old school Steve and Danny ( especially Steve putting his arm across the back of the sofa)
That Castle power walk was a thing of beauty. Also, I think Nathan might have been having too much fun playing Elvis. It's really too bad we didn't see more of the boys having fun in the casinos!
Thanks, Vortex, but tumblr has fulfilled all my needs. I've reblogged a couple of my favorite gif sets from last night.
I will say my only quibble with the Elvis thing was that he said it would get around facial recognition. Yeah, no -- that's the point of doing it by computer, so a person can have different facial hair and sunglasses and whatever and still get busted. Otherwise, it was well worth it.
Yeah, you have to do some blocking out of various portions of your face to get around the algorithms--at least a couple years ago. It was pretty cool what would fool the programs, actually, because I'm not sure they'd all fool the eye.
Wouldn't the big sideburns change things up a bit?
It's very counterintuitive what works. Not sideburns: [link]