God, that was a good episode.
'Life of the Party'
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Soon as I saw that girl, I yelled "that's Rachel!" Then I remembered she knew Hollis' face, and dismissed the notion. Huh. That's really messed up, taking in the surviving daughter of the family he killed, and having her love you like a real father. It's like its own mini-movie there on its own.
The only thing I missed about the episode was the lack of Charlie/Reese interactions, but I get why she had to be out of the action for most of the ep. Love that both Dani and Starks stepped up to the plate 'soon as Charlie asked, no questions asked.
I was real worried that Jack Reese would jump off the roof, but no. He's too evil a motherfucker for something like that. But I don't quite understand why Jack having Rachel's so important to Charlie. He's already got Hollis. Unless Charlie's worried that Jack would harm her if he went after Jack.
Unless Charlie's worried that Jack would harm her if he went after Jack.
I think that was Jack's implied threat.
Which, motherf***er! I want another ep RIGHT NOW cuz I want to see more Dani/Charlie and how their relationship will be influenced by how f***ing evil her dad is.
I also had this suspicion that the daughter was going to be THE daughter.
And the music was once again excellent.
Best music cue ever? "Did you fall?"
"Finally", off Burn the Maps. I flove the way they use music on the show.
That was a cover of a Richard Thompson song in the middle, too. "Shoot Out the Lights."
I did not watch this last night because I was going to go to bed early. Except I didn't.
Now I'm kicking myself because I have to wait all day.
There was Leonard Cohen's "Who By Fire" towards the end.
AND the Yeah Yeah Yeahs!
I'm in my usual song collecting binge from the ep; I've got the Cohen, The Frames, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (what an awesome song) and Richard Thompson, but I'm still missing a couple of songs. There was this fabulous song that began rap-ish as Charlie was coming out of the prison, segueing to the scene of the Apartment of Pot and Snake, and googling what I can hear of the lyrics is giving me no love. *sigh*
Does anyone know how much more expensive for the studio to get licensing to use the songs on DVDs compared to broadcast airing? I'd imagine it's quite a bit more, and I can see them being able to afford, oh, Shivaree or The Frames, even, but Radiohead and the Stones and Leonard Cohen? They have to be expensive. And the thought that the DVDs will have wrong music just makes me terribly sad, because the song choices are such an big part of what makes this show work so well stylistically.