Ooh, that is an ufortunate name.
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
"The Edge of" made me laugh and laugh:
Oh, I liked that ficlet a lot. The voices were perfect. I also dug aj's "Trifecta." Angsty sex and partnership issues -- what's not to like?
I'll spare you my usual rant about the evils of smooshed pairing names as I have no energy right now to froth at the mouth.
Don't worry I'm rolling my eyes so hard I hurt something.
The only smooshed name I don't have a problem with is Clex and that's because of the cheesiness factor and I can't help but consider all of SV cheesy.
I liked The Edge Of. i'llhave to check out the comm when i'm not at mom's house.
Oh, I liked that ficlet a lot. The voices were perfect.
The voices were awesome. I could so see that going down on the show. (I didn't realize there was now a rating/category called "LOLSex", which is just funny in itself)
"Trifecta" was quite good.
Portmanteaus, in addition to all of their other sins, should not sound LIKE REAL WORDS. Heroes fandom and "Mylar", I'm looking at you. (And LoVe. And Jam.)
The Office, Jim/Pam.
t makes growly noises
My most hated portmanteau ever! Well, OK, second only to LoVe. I even have an icon for it. [link]
Shredded wheat:
It strikes me that Life has a good chance to grow into a decent fic fandom if given half a chance. So far, it's been mostly vignettes, but there are crimes of the week for casefiles, ongoing conspiracy arc, thorny interpersonal relationships, moral ambiguity up the wazoo, flawed yet awesome characters -- all good things that'd spawn fic. For USTy het, you have Charlie/Dani (with the added partnership kink), Charlie/Constance (the love that daren't speak its name, etc.) For slash, you have Charlie/Ted, who are BASICALLY MARRIED, plus all the stuff they had to endure together while in prison. For variety, you can pair anyone with the Lt., who also makes up one of the three major female characters for femmeslash bonanza. Plus, everyone is just so damn pretty.
Sooooo... I loved how Charlie freaked out at his house and bolted up the stairs, basically leading them straight to something he wanted to hide. I just love that he hit a moment where he felt he was in danger and all bets were off. Charlie Crews doesn't get tripped up very easily or often.
Which makes me wonder, besides the possibility of anyone involved in the conspiracy getting wind of Charlie's investigation into the conspiracy, and it looking bad because Ames is now dead, and it being kinda creepy, is there anything illegal about what he is doing and keeping in that closet?