All that extra time with the killer ate what would have been a B plot with another crime. I could see it if we had a particularly clever or flamboyant criminal on our hands, but I think it was meant to be poignant, which it wasn't. I think they were both annoying.
'Dirty Girls'
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
I'm not a big fan of Tunney's range, but I think she played the breakdown well.
I thought that it was scene chewing. I mean, I get that it was supposed to be over the top, but I was not impressed.
And I totally got that it was the psychiatrist from early on. Not how or why,
I often figure out who the bad guy is because of the fact that they are using an established actor in a "throwaway" role. Christian Clemson is too good for 5 minutes a week as the psychiatrist. At first, I thought that it was going to be an ongoing thing (like Stephen Fry in "Bones"), but the chemistry/vibe wasn't there.
I was unsatisfied that we never got a motive for why he risked everything for this caper. Yes, he got a million dollars, but is that reason to commit murder, betray your client, and risk your career?
I was unsatisfied that we never got a motive for why he risked everything for this caper. Yes, he got a million dollars, but is that reason to commit murder, betray your client, and risk your career?
It did seem like the sort of thing that should have had a realllly personal motivation behind it, didn't it?
is that reason to commit murder, betray your client, and risk your career?
I don't think he saw it as betraying his client--didn't he take her on as a client so he could frame her? A million dollars used to be a lot of money. I don't think it's enough to get Joe Normal who probably makes decent money (give him a gambling debt, or something) to turn to a complex life of crime.
I don't think he saw it as betraying his client--didn't he take her on as a client so he could frame her?
No, she was assigned to him by the department to mandated counseling after the shooting last season.
That's awfully convenient.
Yes, I didn't like that either. We have to extrapolate that the briber guy found out that she was in counseling, found out the name of the counselor, approached the counselor about a patient, counselor was willing to break confidentiality to confirm that she was a patient, and to come up with this hare brained scheme? Not bloody likely.
Procedural synchronicity heavily at work--NCIS and Castle use Strangers on a Train, The Mentalist and Psych have murderous psychiatrists.
I liked this week's Psych, although I understand I missed much of the injoking. Still, Gus was smart, and a good Dwayne Wayne moment never goes amiss.
Hey, I just watched 2 episodes of csi On Demand and I am confused - was the episode with Jorja Fox the season premiere? Did I somehow miss the explanation of why she was back? And then, why wasn't she there in the most recent episode?
yes. she came back midway through the season premiere. I believe in her entrance she explained why she was back: they were down a CSI and she was called to see if she is available. We also found out she married Grissom and that he is doing his think in France maybe?