Did I miss something, because Foreman telling 13 he couldn't work with her because they'd fight and he NEEDED her so of course logically he fired her, made no sense to me. Doesn't he think she might break up with him for that?
If House comes back, will Taub?
Sharif Atkins played about the same role in CSI: Miami as he did in Criminal Minds--perpetrates a crime so that he can get the authorities looking in the right direction to get justice for a bigger crime.
Maybe he needs to switch career trajectories with Dillahunt--having just seen Dillahunt waving a gun all over a
Lie To Me
promo teaser I can but hope his character is taking the Sharif Atkins approach to problem solving.
Well, it's not like, visceral, Hellish-Dawn hate, but when they give her so much to do, they just remind me she's not up for it.
I'm also glad they didn't just reboot like nothing is wrong with House. Also, more Andre.
Did I miss something, because Foreman telling 13 he couldn't work with her because they'd fight and he NEEDED her so of course logically he fired her, made no sense to me. Doesn't he think she might break up with him for that?
Yeah, I was positive that that speech was going to end with him stepping down as department head. Or him breaking up with her. There were really three options there, and he took the one that made the least sense.
Except Foreman is often played as House Jr., with a lot of ambition. I don't think he'd pass up the chance to have House's job for anything, and he thinks this way he gets to have it all. It's going to suck if he dumps Fourteen *and* House comes back.
Prime House-Wilson, though. House always knows when Wilson is trying to play him. And now we are wondering where the Labrador pee came from.
Did I miss something, because Foreman telling 13 he couldn't work with her because they'd fight and he NEEDED her so of course logically he fired her, made no sense to me.
Yeah, that was stupid.
However, House and Wilson being domestic was awesome.
Ugh, i accidentally watched _Trauma_ last night. It was terrible. I'm angry at myself for paying attention to the first 20 minutes.
I'll watch anything for Cliff Curtis.
my DVR only picked up the last 40 minutes of House, and it was totally fine! I'm not sure if that means I should stop watching it or not.
I used to watch only the last half-hour of ST:TNG all the time, something in my schedule made that easiest and I always followed the plot just fine.