Anybody else have a problem with the way Brennan went all panick-y and "girl"-y when the doc attacked? She's kicked way scarier ass than that guy on previous occasions.
ita - I too automatically say, "...which means change, not Death!" whenever shows pull the Death card for us.
Anybody else have a problem with the way Brennan went all panick-y and "girl"-y when the doc attacked? She's kicked way scarier ass than that guy on previous occasions.
Maybe it's another brain tumor.
Also, when Sweets said that thing about how Booth wasn't in love before the surgery because the brain! scan! said! so! It almost like I could hear the screams of Booth/Brennan shippers howling in fury across the internets.
I'm not even a shipper, but he's been giving her soppy looks from the first season. And they've known--Sweet's known as long as he's been there. Why is he making that point?
Yeah, bound Bones took on Adam Baldwin. This time she went all wobbly in front of an overweight desk jockey with a scalpel, which she pulled out when Booth told her not to, and then they clutched at each other like it was huge, and then she wire short sleeves and no bandage and no wound.
ita - I too automatically say, "...which means change, not Death!" whenever shows pull the Death card for us.
Yep, I was yelling "rebirth" at the screen. Oy.
then she wore short sleeves and no bandage and no wound.
Thank you-- I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
But you know, it seems almost like tradition for the first few eps of Bones to be more than a little shaky (last year's romp through merry olde England, anyone?) So as usual, I'll stick with it.
And I took the brain scan thing to be just more of a reiteration of what Cam said-- basically, "Be really, really freakin' sure that you really do lurve her because beneath the hard shell, she's really a Special Snowflake."
(I liked how Cam put it better than how Sweets did.)
At this point when I watch the show at all it's for the side characters - Cam, Sweets, Hodgins. Sometimes that's enough to make it through an ep, sometimes not. With the packed Thursday night line up this year, I don't think it'll make the cut very much.
Sad, because I really liked the first couple of seasons.
At this point when I watch the show at all it's for the side characters - Cam, Sweets, Hodgins. Sometimes that's enough to make it through an ep, sometimes not. With the packed Thursday night line up this year, I don't think it'll make the cut very much.
I still like DB and Booth. I like ED as well, but the inconsistency of Brennan is tiresome and annoying.
It's starting to fall apart for me. It used to be the ensemble cast was so much fun, but their ranks have been gutted in number and in screen time. I still love DB but Bones herself is getting tiresome.
But! She's beautiful and intelligent!
But! She's beautiful and intelligent!
Until she gets herself some violet eyes and a lovely singing voice, it doesn't render her immune from criticism. Unless she has those? In that case I take it all back.
Lovely singing voice...check. Violet eyes...not yet. But HH may yet write them in.