OMG, no. Although the thought makes me chuckle... But if I didn't think Hugh Laurie was hilarious I couldn't like the stuff House says. If anybody else(except maybe Piven, who plays another character who is funny enough to be fucking horrifying on a weekly basis and make us love him anyway) said most of that stuff, I'd turn the channel on him.
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
I don't normally watch CSI:NY, but I just saw the beginning and I must rant. They notice lines on the murder victim's nails and deduce that he had chemo. The lines are from the cuticle to the tip. Ummm, no. The lines go across the nail and represent the nail that was growing during each chemo dose.
That sounds logical, and the other does not. Now I wonder what (if anything) the vertical lines on nails mean. Does the hivemind know?
There's something screwy with how my cable connects with my Tivo, drat. I am sad about all the Closers I have missed, but help has been called.
I've always thought CSI:NY was the lamest. I'm excluding Miami, which I cannot be paid to watch, for that is how much I can't stand D. Caruso's thespian-ing. I was glad Lt. Dan got a TV gig and the guy who was on Friends is always eye candy. Yeah, too lazy to IMDB. And mem fault. eta: are there just the three? Prime/Las Vegas, Miami, NY? I guess so.
I think you can learn a lot about someone's health that way, but I don't remember specifics.
I don't think there's much of a coin toss between NY and Vegas, really, other than which cast you prefer. Miami just sucks.
I watch CSI: Agent Orange during the off-season.
I just saw this episode where Delko was staying at some fleabag motel and there was a shooting. I noticed that Horatio put ON the SOJs as he was talking to Delko and I thought, "Delko is a suspect! Horatio doesn't want him to see his eyes!"
Then I laughed my ass off.
Enjoyable when viewed as a comedy. They are the singular worst TV show team ever. More incompetent than even Primeval.
and that's saying something. I've stopped watching Primeval. I wanted to like it, but it just went into the crapper.
I know I'm going to regret the loss of sleep in the morning, but I stayed up to watch Saving Grace tonight instead of watching it on tape delay tomorrow.
The abrupt endings this season are certainly...abrupt.
poor Rhetta!