My DVR cut off the last moments of Bones last night, and I can't imagine when I'll have time enough to get around to online catchup - can someone please give me a little recap of what happened after Booth woke up and didn't recognize her?
Thanks ever so.
That was pretty much it. In fact, I think he said "who are you?", everyone made faces, and then cut to black.
Huh. It was way more interesting in my head. Thanks, though.
It's the first time Bones has ended a season on a cliffhanger. That I think is interesting.
Of all the eps of Bones to ask plot questions on, I know: so the assassin dude hid in the lost and found closet, where was Jared hiding? Why and how did he grab Bones' jacket and not one of the many from the l&f closet? Or his own jacket? Or bring a silencer or an extra bit of muffling doodad... I'm thinking it makes no sense at all, but I'd like it to.
There is no sense, there is only Zuul.
take me to the gatekeeper!
I don't know if this is what we were supposed to think, but it seemed to me that what we saw was what Brennan was writing while Booth was in the coma. What he was dreaming that seemed so real may have been something entirely different.
Actuality I kinda felt like we were to understand that what brennen was writing and Booth was dreaming were similar. Then, he didn't recognizer her. So the 'dream' was Brennen writing stuff to keep herself occupied while waiting for Booth. which gives an interesting insight to her dad, and even more to her idea of Booth's brother.