Watched House and Castle tonight.
House was very satisfying -- oddly, becase I just didn't care that much about them, I found Chase figuring out Cameron one of the best parts of the show. At the end I just didn't try and figure out what was actually real. It was well done.
and i am with everyone else that loves the father-daughter relationship on Caste. There is no way that relationship could have happened if there wasn't something more than frivolous and smarmy to Castle. I know a bunch of girls that are like that smart , level-headed --but then something happens and they are oh so 15.
NBC is playing the first Jeff Goldblum Law & Order: CI tonight at 8 Eastern.
Suspense is not my friend. Does anyone have any casting spoiler information for NCIS that tells me how they're resolving matters? I read whitefont fluently.
Okay, Criminal Minds is driving me nuts. First, they're supposed to be in the "Washington transit system", the trains are CLEARLY New York, dual tracked, which if we had that here, we'd have far fewer delays. Second, they walk past a sign that says "Subway"; we don't have a "subway", we have a "Metro", Third, the station was all tile, which is not the case for any DC station. Fourth, there are two employees from Ft. Deitrick wearing their badges while they ride the train. No! everyone who works in a sensitive location in DC is instructed to remove their badges when they leave the building, security reminds them. Fifth, you can't really get to Ft. Deitrick with public transportation (and if you could, it wouldn't be on the green line!!!!).
Please, people! Do some fucking research!!
What they don't seem to realize is that things like that throw a lot of people right out of the story. There's also the factor of "If they get wrong the things I do know, can I trust them about the things I don't know anything about?" A few minutes into that short-lived kidnapping show supposedly set in Atlanta, they had something happen at the intersection of two streets that are parallel, while actually showing intersection nowhere near either.
No! everyone who works in a sensitive location in DC is instructed to remove their badges when they leave the building, security reminds them.
How sensitive is sensitive? My roommate who worked in the White House always had his ID out -- he figured it helped him pick up girls.
I give you the metro situation -- it was so un-Metro, I actually assumed they meant it to be some commuter rail line.
My roommate who worked in the White House always had his ID out -- he figured it helped him pick up girls.
It wasn't as big of a deal pre 9/11, then your only worry was that if you didn't take it off your jacket, you might forget it the next day. You used to see various badges all of the time, now you don't.
he figured it helped him pick up girls.
@@ interns, maybe.
It wasn't as big of a deal pre 9/11, then your only worry was that if you didn't take it off your jacket, you might forget it the next day. You used to see various badges all of the time, now you don't.
Ah. This was well before 9/11. And he was an intern! And picked up many of same, as well as misc. college students. (When I said "girls," I did not mean women.)
I didn't know one underground one know from another, thown another, so no harm no no no foul on my TV.
I liked this week's ep. Even though we knew Reid wasn' t going to bite it, I thought they managed to keep up good tension.
Which is more than I can say for CSI NY. Messy debut work on the part of Kanakaredes.
Also, Reid's hair was very very pretty this week, although I still wish they would bring back the glasses, because in them, he is pretty much my dream man. (Except too young for me)