now you are making me wonder if I lie without realizing I am lying.
I really enjoy Lie to Me but I'm a little vexed by all the websites that are popping up screeching that they can teach you how to protect yourself from lying liers who lie. The vast majority of the people I work with believe the things they say even when they aren't speaking their truest minds.
The words are so much less important than the underlying, and often complex, reasons for saying them.
The character's superpower is ferreting out the truth. He uses his ability to detect lies to do it. That's what separates him from his protegée.
That's what separates him from his protegée.
Right. He doesn't seek the lie as an end result. I really appreciate that.
People, in my experience, get so caught up in feelings of betrayal and anger as permanent, that they don't give themselves the chance to make the experience actually mean anything useful.
That's the interesting, and subtle, irony of Lightman's obsession with the tapes of his mother. He keeps going back to reconfirm guilt rather than to grieve through the mistake. (it seems to me)
Obviously, he uses the experience as fuel for his other work, but the suffering he allows himself, he never seems to support in others.
you know, I'd watch a show called Hogins and friends in the lab
A gonzo Mr. Wizard show. I'd watch it too.
Re, Lie to Me: If they found a reliable way to read micro-expressions off of internet posts...whoa, THAT would be some scary terrain.
The character's superpower is ferreting out the truth. He uses his ability to detect lies to do it. That's what separates him from his protegée.
That throws an interesting light on the business with his partner's husband (I love her character, btw) - he just couldn't leave those lies alone and it didn't really get him any closer to the truth.
but it did, didn't it? He thought that he was having an affair, but it turns out that he was doing coke.
He found out that he was in rehab because Dr. Foster told him. He knew that Mr. Foster was lying, but not about what.
Question is--was Mr. Foster lying to his wife when Lightman detected the lie, or was he lying for Lightman.
And Dr. Foster told Lightman to butt out when she explained the sponsor (which, honestly, the cross-gender sponsors that are only on TV chap my hide a bit). So, if he respects that, he won't really find out for sure.
Q&A with NF about Castle on
House: The patient has an evil hand!