Fandom, giving you canon questions about shows you don't even watch.
Haha. Ain't that the truth. Like, the other day, I was watching a Merlin vid -- a show I have no interested in watching, btw -- and there was a Meaningful Look between the black girl (who I understand plays Guinevere) and that hot hispanic guy who played Poor Dead Isaac from Heroes, and I immediately started wondering if he was supposed to be Lancelot, then it made me all curious because it's kinda neat to have non-white folks play two thirds of a famed love triangle.
But I hear the fandom is all about two pretty white boys fucking, and I'm not so much interested in that. Ah well.
I am not nuts about this new NCIS crew. Or it just may be the story line I'm not nuts about. I am seriously bored.
Sail, I liked them a little better this episode, but they're not nearly interesting or quirky enough for me yet. I did like the three scenes at the end of the episode.
Whoa, Daniel Sunjata is being seriously, convincingly creepy as a Lecter-ish type on Lie To Me tonight. Between this, his Reggie Jackson, and Rescue Me, I think the man's got chops. Sadly, I heard the 911 conspiracy theories on RM are partly from him for reals, which makes me squicked a bit.
I loved the hospital scene with Lightman and Foster awkwardly reaching for each other on Lie to Me. I was, however, disappointed that I twigged who the protege was about 20 seconds after he showed up on camera. Not sure how, but, eh.
Me too, bonny. I really didn't want it to be him, but I knew it was.
What's with the FBI guy? Are they trying to set up a Bones/Booth dynamic? I love Mekhi Pfeiffer, so I'm not so upset about it.
So this is at least the second time Booth has had a hallucination. Do we think they're setting it up for him to have something wrong?
I don't think so. But I'm actually enjoying this episode more than most this sesason.