The Tribune story by Mo Ryan said:
UPDATE: "Life" has been canceled for good.
According to this story in TV Week, if a new show was not on NBC's pickup list today, it will not be on in the fall.
That link said this:
However, if a new show in development wasn't announced today, it will not be on in the fall, he said.
So, it looks like Mo misread the article in TV Week (which didn't mention Life at all) and extrapolated that it was canceled. However, since it's not a "new show in development," the TV Week article doesn't apply to Life.
Woah. On House, I was going back and forth between wondering why they bothered with the case (I understand the character development part) and needing the break from the House plot. Phew.
The House writers really like these journeys into House's mind for the last few eps of the season. Season 1 had Three Stories, season 2 had the one where he got shot, season 4 had the stuff with Amber on the bus, and now season 5 is ending with more Amber hallucinations.
Castle: Wow, Bailey Chase has come a long way from Buffy. I'm not getting any splinters watching him now.
Damn, I forgot to dvr Castle--it's available on Hulu now, right?
So, which eps of L&O is Jeff Goldblum on, ep title specific? Cuz I watched fifteen minutes of the latest that IMDB said he was on, but no Jeff, and I don't like the show enough to just keep watching.
And what's up with the whole "the 19th we'll hear about "Life's" fate vs. "Life is cancelled NOW"? I mean, do I wail and gnash my teeth now or is it still premature?
Castle: Wow, Bailey Chase has come a long way from Buffy. I'm not getting any splinters watching him now.
yes, he's pretty good on Saving Grace.
Start gnashing, Julie.
Julie, Criminal Intent is on any every other ep schedule. Goldblum is on the even eps this season. D'Onofrio is on the odd eps.
Here's a list of eps. Goldblum's first is "Rock Star."
House was pretty eye-rolly. That's not what opiate overdose looks like. And one night of withdrawal, please.
I've been enjoying Bailey Chase quite a bit on Saving Grace, looking forward to Castle when I get a chance to watch it.
was that really one night of withdrawal? I didn't think it was possible that the writers wanted us to believe that.