At least House recognizes when he's a danger. Too bad he needs more than a decent night's sleep. Next week will be interesting, to see if he's willing to trust himself at all with Amber haunting him.
Seeing his thought processes visually is fun. But he needs someone around he's willing to be that vulnerable around. I don't know if Wilson would work. It's too bad Stephen Fry isn't likely to reprise the shrink character he was playing on Bones. I would so adore seeing Fry and Laurie together again.
It's too bad Stephen Fry isn't likely to reprise the shrink character he was playing on Bones.
That would be fun. Possibly overwhelming in the meta sense, but fun.
I read somewhere that he was going to do one, but you know how that stuff goes...could be just wishful thinking.
I find I like Laurie's American voice more than I like his own British voice. The British voice sounds harsher. Maybe I start thinking too much about Wooster.
Ha. "Raw deal about that spot of lupus you've got.Rummy thing, lupus. I'd just about convinced myself it couldn't be any such thing, because it almost never is, and then that old test result shook me by the shoulder and said'Bertie, old man, better tell that poor beggar he's got lupus.' So here I am...tough break, mate."
Like that?
And here I thought I was crazy for wondering if they'd have to fingerspell S-A-R-C-O-I-D-O-S-I-S but Dr. Wooster is nuttier than that.
"Jeeves? Oh, Jeeves, pop on along to that poor sod's room and give him the bad news, what ho, old chap? Yes, yes, I know this is last year's cane, but I'm really quite fond of the flames. Dash it, no, I will not give up what is really a quite spiffing cane."
"I *know* it's my job, Jeeves. But he's looking rather grotty at the moment. All sorts of blood and oozing bits, and at this hour in the morning I just have *not* got the constitution for blood and oozing bits. I know...get Cameron to do it. She's not in our department anymore, but time was, she looked at one fair-haired Dr. Wooster with stars in her eyes...bit frightening, really, but she'll probably look upon your request as a great professional favour.Chop, chop, Jeeves."
"Very good, sir."
t eyebrows raised and just the hint of a disapproving tilt of the head
"Oh, now, see here, Jeeves! Oh, dash it."
Aw, now Dr. Bertie will be stuck with serious thoughts all day. And poor Cuddy will have to take the evil aunt role.
(It was not hard to write "favour" with a u" while channeling Wodehouse.)
I always loved all of Bertie's friends and relations dashing in to seek Jeeves' advice on everything. "Bertie, you're coming to our house for the weekend. We need Jeeves."