Booth's singing was the only part that I got annoyed
singing was the only part that I got annoyed
It was partly painful, but mostly in a "this is supposed to non-professional." way. I was wincing more at the shout out to the dancing scene of Angel and Wesley. Otherwise, I thought DB did pretty well.
Enjoyed the ep.
It was a very silly ep, but it made me laugh a lot.
clearly the writers got high and watched Weekend at Bernie's before they wrote the script.
It as most unrealistic -- which made it fun. If it had been something real and stupid, I would have hated it. So I had fun
Criminal Minds was nowhere near as haunting as the previews would have you believe. So it's a bad seed. Sad bad seed. Been done bad seed. Next week looks back to creepy.
Were either of the two Criminal Minds on tonight new?
Because I thought that they were both repeats.
At least the 2nd one - which I thought was new seemed awfully familiar at the end.
supposedly, last night's was new. I haven't seen it yet, so I cannot confirm.
The nine o'clock was supposed to be a repeat and the ten o'clock new. Missed both. Ah well, I'll catch up on my Criminal Minds watching over the summer.
The 9:00 was a repeat and I believe the 10:00 was new.
I realize that I saw the teaser and beginning of the first act of the 10 pm (9 central) Criminal Minds and then fell asleep. I woke up and saw the scene where they found the body (which reminded me of a very similar scene from the Mentalist) and promptly fell asleep again. I believe I must have woken up after the news started and therefore in my sleepyheadedness believed that I had seen the entire episode.