OK, I know I said I wouldn't complain about the Jewish stuff on House, because, first, they get much more right than most shows do, and second, I know not to expect much from TV on this front. However. This one's bothersome enough that I had to mention it:
Cuddy told House at the beginning of the episode that the Simchat Bat would be on Friday night. Now, I am impressed that they got it right that she'd be having a Simchat Bat -- there's no set ritual for celebrating the birth of a baby girl, and a few different traditions have developed, and the Simchat Bat does seem like the one that Cuddy would be most likely to pick. And lots of people do have it as a ceremony at home. There could be a rabbi there, but there doesn't have to be. Cuddy seems like the type who'd want a rabbi there, though -- she doesn't seem terribly observant, and so having a rabbi at the ceremony would make it seem more religiously official. I didn't notice anyone in the scene who was obviously supposed to be a rabbi, but I'm not certain. But anyway, rabbi or not, have an at-home Jewish ceremony on a Friday night makes little to no sense. At Conservative and Reform synagogues, Friday night services are generally at 8. People have dinner at home first, then go to synagogue. Services take 45 minutes or an hour, and then there's cookies and coffee and socializing and stuff. This leaves no time for either the rabbi or any of the congregation to go to a ceremony somewhere else.
(I'm also iffy on Chase and Foreman wearing the kippahs, and also on the particular ones they were wearing, but that's just somewhat odd, not to the making no sense point that the Friday night thing was.)