Oh THANK YOU So. Much. Connie. Wow, that's a lot of character progression for 13, Foreman, Cuddy & House in the last 10 minutes! I'm so happy you guys are here!
We then discover that what House was doing was turning her center desk drawer upside down so that when she pulls it out everything falls out.
Heh. If she had pigtails, he'd be dipping them into his inkwell.
If she had pigtails, he'd be dipping them into his inkwell.
Yeah, he only truly harasses the ones he loves, ie, all the pranks on Wilson when Wilson was living with him, countered by Wilson sawing his cane partway through. Ther luv iz so pur.
As much as I enjoy and even love The Mentalist, the flashbacks really blow, what with the choice of soft light and blurry focus. I feel like I'm watching a daytime soap.
"Charlie Crews said "Don't worry""
My heart fucking melted in that moment.
chocolate milkshake.
I'm not hating a moment of this ep of Life. Except that I'd wished they'd utilized Rachel better before shipping her off, but that has nothing to do with this particular ep, only the build-up to it. Does Roman make everything better? (Even though his evilness really skeeved me out last season, since he was so evilly evil that it was beyond the realm of anything else seen in season 1. Glad he's back, though).
holy shit, they shot my Charlie! Just as Dani was about to get her answers. Also, why the hell save the best show for the break? And I'm not talking about cliffhangers, since 1) they can't kill Crews and 2) they made a point of him still being alive in a way that's usually saved for the copout of part 2.
That was just excellent.
Garrett Dillahunt is such an excellet villain.
It was excellent. But I agree with Julie's quibbles. The actress playing Rachel was ill used. And the idea that Ted articulated...about the bonding nature of trauma was totally wasted. I got weary of the raised eye-brows from other characters when they found out she was living with him. Do we always have to go there?
Something I thought was great was Show telling me that they are going back to the Season 1 organizing principle of Zen.
"Crews, are you here?" Three times. And Ted's muscle going all "Be here now.' That was awesome.
The quirky dialog...people repeating things or expressing the concrete obvious is a fun element but it may have been overdone a bit this ep.
I want Roman's version of Psychic Paper!
And what the hell would he be doing with vaults full of human resources? That can all see each other and potentially organize. That didn't make any sense.
vaults full of human resources
I figured it was human smuggling. If any of them are illegal, they're not going to make too much of a fuss if this is just a stopover to the next place.
I got weary of the raised eye-brows from other characters when they found out she was living with him. Do we always have to go there?
Well, slightly weird guy living in a huge house with no furniture and a teenaged girl who was part of the family that he was accused of killing? Yeah, I'd raise an eyebrow.
I really loved Ted in this episode; I love that he was saved by Charlie, again, and that he's not going to get beaten down by prison this time. I hope and mostly think he's going to get back out. I loved seeing that Charlie affected other people in prison, not just Ted.
I find the repetition of lines to be really grating if done more than once in an episode, to be honest. It feels like something they should scale back on, resist being so anvilly with it.
The biggest shame for me about Rachel was that, when she was there, she *did* have a distinct voice and personality; but she was only there for like twenty seconds of every episode. The progression of her relationship with Charlie is evident in the way that she goes from hiding in one part of the house to going out and defying him to going with his dad to the hospital and showing the defensive concern for him; I just wish we'd actually seen that progression instead of just having it be alluded to in the background.
That being said, I liked the mystery this week, I enjoyed having Roman's creepy ass back on my screen, and I was genuinely shocked by Charlie being shot.
But I hate that Danni wore fucking heels to the crime scene and climbed down a ladder in them. Can she not just wear motorcycle boots again? Please?