I'm guessing that with Charlie's money, he could squirrel her away safely himself.
What I want to know is Charlie gets a new car soon, and how soon will it be destroyed or lost.
Enjoyed The Mentalist, although they need to ditch the title card. If you need to have a dictionary definition to explain your title, you're doing something wrong.
I seriously thought for a moment there that the sheriff was the bad guy.
Loving the fact that Patrick isn't the awesome action hero. He's the guy who stares like an deer in headlights when the gang-banger is running straight at him with a lead pipe.
Robin Tunney's reaction after the shooting was interesting, like they were her first kills, or if not, taking a life was still a big traumatic deal.
And I liked all the intersecting flashbacks. Reminded me of the early eps of Boomtown.
Loving the fact that Patrick isn't the awesome action hero. He's the guy who stares like an deer in headlights when the gang-banger is running straight at him with a lead pipe.
Yes. This. Totally. And while I dismissed the sheriff as the bad guy almost off the bat, they did a nice enough job with the creep factor that I believed he might be the bad for that brief moment we were supposed to buy into it.
The other thing I'm loving about Patrick, and what makes him so perfect is that he doesn't like being right. About the little things, sure-- he digs jerking everyone's chains and proving how he's right, but in the end, about the stuff that's life or death and really matters, you get the distinct impression that he really wishes he wasn't right about how dark human nature can be.
I thought the sheriff was the bad guy, too. Took me forever to figure out why he was familiar: he was one of the guys in the original 24, the one where Nina killed Mrs. 24.
Hey, does anyone know of something for police shows that's like Polite Dissent for the medicine in "House"? 'Cause that would be really fun to read. [link]
Which guy in Day 1 was he?
Did anyone watch Bones last night and get the odd sensation that it was the episode we should have seen after the premiere and Hodgins and Angela's breakup? Well, with the exception of Angela going to talk to Sweets, which I don't think she would've done, necessarily. But the level of discomfort and "it's really over" dialogue bits seemed odd, given how they've been with each other the last few eps.
And frankly, Angela's beyond annoying me at this point. I think it's time for her to take a sabbatical.
Yes, Angela's annoying. She's remarkably selfish and in her own way as self-centered as Brennan. I was tired of her insisting that Brennan and Booth should hook up, she doesn't seem to get that relationships have consequences.
How quickly does Fox normally get new episodes on the website? Last night's ep isn't up yet.
8 days. At least for Hulu --or at least one Fox show on Hulu has a note stating that. But SCC seemed to air pretty quickly. Dunno about the official site, I'm just guessing that hulu is pretty in tune with the networks websites.
cereal: Bones "The Crank in the Shaft" is up on Hulu now. What was the most recent ep?