I'm guessing they're referring to office space as opposed to lab space since they use the part of the lab that has the equipment needed at the moment. But really the show has any number of details that don't make logical sense, but serve the (emotional) needs of the story at hand.
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Yes, I think Cam was talking about the office space.
Ummm, the terrorist couldn't set off the bomb. When the other FbI guys came up to him he cut his own throat.
Meanwhile, Morgan kind of told Penelope that he loved her and then they showed the ambulance exploding. (in the field.)
And yet, he wasn't in it.
I swear - the terrorists phone said it had no signal. I don't get why the bomb went off anyway.
And the British woman died and Morgan got offered her job.
Watched Mentalist last night.
Yeah, it's got some Profiler similarities
But with humor. Definitely a promising start for a series. I love his humor but his complete and innate fuckedupedness being at the core of it.
I swear - the terrorists phone said it had no signal. I don't get why the bomb went off anyway.
They probably exploded the bomb in a safe location. It's a bad idea to leave an unexploded bomb sitting around (US Army, I'm looking at you!)
Meanwhile, Morgan kind of told Penelope that he loved her and then they showed the ambulance exploding. (in the field.)
Like "you mean a lot to me, and I love you as a friend" or "I'm in love with you"?
I think he said (posted upthread?) that she was his solace.
His quantum of solace?
mmmm, Shemar Moore as James Bond.
Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk.
He said she was his god-given solace, and she should never stop talking to him.
The terrorist did get signal back and set off the bomb.
Hotch was also mighty pissed at Morgan for his one-man heroics and wasn't recommending him for the NY job, since Hotch doesn't think Morgan trusts other people with his life, but the job is still Morgan's. Morgan was given the chance to say he trusted Hotch with his life, but looked away.
Not that I've seen the ending three times now...
Garcia was jamming the cellphone but could only jam it for 3 -5 minutes (I forget exactly) when the satelitte moved and the range changed. Or something like that.
So Morgan jumped in the ambulance and drove it off to a deserted area, telling Garcia to tell "them" (I guess cops) to make sure it was clear. Then there was a fake out where he was going to tell her something, but she was shushing him, and then signal was unjammed.
The terrorist was connected to the call so as soon as the signal unjammed the bomb went off.
Then the team ran up to him and he was on the ground, realizing his failure, took a big ass kinife (think crocodile Dundee) and slits his thoat.
Cut back to the explosion where Morgan sits up and then calls Garcia, telling her something like "Don't ever stop talking to me, you're my solace." (or the other way around). Garcia waits a few beats and says she can't talk she's mad at him.
Then we go to the hospital -- blonde british chick is dead, Hodges is feeling guilty I guess, we never learn who the secret service dudes were protecting.
Hottie police officer is alive, he flirts with what's her name and she gives him tickets to his favorite time , the Mets maybe and he says that most people assume he's a Yankees fan (or something like that).
There was also an epilogue-y bit where Morgan is supposed to move to NY and take over the office and Hodges says he didn't recommend it - or approve it, or something - because the stunt with driving off in the it's-gonna-explode-any-minute ambulance showed he wasn't suited to run the office. Or something.