Yeah? The commercials made it look like Psych without the funny, which didn't sound so appealing
That's what I was thinking too, but OTOH
Sure, there's no Gus, but it's got plenty of humor. Just not laugh-out-loud. And I personally find Psych to be annoying and unfunny 90% of the time
I kind of agree with this. Not quite 90%, but I find that the main character can be really annoying. Unfortunately, I love Gus and they sometimes are hilarious, like the show about the duet singing contest where they did the Tears for Fears/Michael Jackson thing.
Any time there's singing involved Psych is golden.
Did anyone post this? It's an interview with Doris Egan, a
writer. She talks quite a bit about fan fiction and House/Wilson. [link]
That is a terrific article. Doris Egan is one of us!
That is a great article.
Huh. TV writers seem to have found out about Ehlers-Danlos recently. It was just mentioned on Bones, and it was suggested as a diagnosis on House last season. I don't think I'd ever heard it mentioned on TV before that.
askye - sorry I didn't see your question until this evening.
answer: all we saw was him pull the gun. the next time we saw her she was shaking on the floor with her gun out, and Gibbs took the gun and hugged her. They all assumed the dead guy was the spy.
quester -
yeah I saw that but did her flashback show something different?
it showed her shooting dead guy.
Oh, yes, I completely forgot the flashback! D'oh! Thanks le nub, for catching that one.