So, thoughts upon mainlining Season 4 of Numb3rs:
1) OMG, I do so adore Larry. Or possibly I mean Peter MacNicol. Or probably both of them. And I have to say, I liked the beard! Which isn't often something I find myself saying. But it worked!
2) Aw, David and Colby! Awww! Awww, BLESS!
3) Comic book geeks! Yeah...actually not entirely sure how I felt about that one, overall, but I WAS amused by Will Wheaton being at a convention, with various people in Star Trek uniforms wandering back and forth. And I was slain by David being a closet comic geek.
4) Charlie/Amita - so glad that the writers stopped pulling all that procrastination Moonlighting crap and let them get together and get on with being a couple.
5) Did I mention my mighty love of Larry? Recently? OMG, I love Larry. Lots. He is my sooper seekrit boyfriend. Really. I love Larry/Megan also, though, because I accept that I cannot marry Larry, what with me living in Bangkok and him being a fictional character.
6) Hey, Charlie explicitly mentioned his Jewishness (whilst Amita was freaking out about her parents' likely prejudices)! Yay! Is this the first time it's actually been stated in canon? Because I remember reading that (although, duh, 3 Jewish actors) there was some talk of the studio trying to not make a point of it. (And in the initially pilot, Don and Papa Eppes were the waspiest wasps in wasptown. Also, Charlie had short hair and was a lot more Rainman. Glad they decided not to go with that.) Mind you, that meant I was slightly scandalised when Don subsequently demanded bacon to go with his waffles, but there you are.
7) OMGWTF cliffhanger? Does this mean they're not making a season 5? Because Charlie pretty much not with the FBI any more, surely? Which is probably a good thing, mind you. Hmm.
8) Oh, Megan. I'm sorry you're leaving - you're good at being an Agent, and I like you. You're very competent.
9) Don, you are getting better at relationships! Finally! Well done! (Although I feel bad for Angelina Jolie Liz.)
10) I do like the fact that this show has people grappling with questions of religion as well as physics.
11) Notwithstanding the fact that everyone's hot, I do think that the writing's come a long way since Season 1, at least in terms of how they write women. Both main characters and incidental ones. I mean, it's no BSG or Bones, but they're really not doing a bad job, I think.
12) I mentioned how Larry is mine, all mine, and none of you can lay a finger on him, right? (Although I reserve the right to look at David in an unplatonic manner. And possibly lick him from time to time, because he is So. Damn. Pretty.)