Has the network announced anything about the wholesale dismissal of the entire cast? Because I was assuming they'd spend the first two episodes or so next season reassembling the team. As far as Abby goes, I figure (maybe mistakenly) that she's more of a specialist than Tony and Ziva -- not to downplay their years of training and skills and abilities -- but that maybe her type of knowledge might be harder to replace because there are fewer people who do her type of work.
No. I know I am irrationally worrying about this. I haven't heard anything about a dismissal, but I also don't want them to pull a House thing where the old crew only does little scenes and Gibbs has a whole new crew. They did emphasize the new director handing Gibbs a file with the new peoples names.
but I also don't want them to pull a House thing where the old crew only does little scenes and Gibbs has a whole new crew.
Oh please, I hope not! I became increasingly irritated with the long drawn-out process of House toying with the job applicants as the season went on.
Yikes! Criminal Minds killing in my subway station! I hate that.
Oh please, I hope not! I became increasingly irritated with the long drawn-out process of House toying with the job applicants as the season went on.
I didn't mind it on House, but I really don't want that to happen on NCIS.
Oh please, I hope not! I became increasingly irritated with the long drawn-out process of House toying with the job applicants as the season went on.
I actually loved the process, but care nothing for the successful candidates. Especially Kumar. As far as I can see, he did utterly nothing during the selection process to warrant being chosen.
I actually loved the process, but care nothing for the successful candidates. Especially Kumar. As far as I can see, he did utterly nothing during the selection process to warrant being chosen.
I thought for sure that he wasn't going to be one of the finalists, just because he has done a few films and I thought he'd want to continue to pursue films.
I thought for sure that he wasn't going to be one of the finalists, just because he has done a few films and I thought he'd want to continue to pursue films.
He was in 24, wasn't he? Maybe Kiefer is now his role model. "Jack Bauer. I could do that."
The criticism of "House" that I've seen, that it follows a format so closely and predictably that it has become stale and uninteresting, was not alleviated by the finalists. They just introduced a large cast of people I knew I didn't need to bother to care about, since most of them wouldn't last, and frankly I still don't care about them. And the format of the show stil has not changed. Patient shows up, House isn't interested, has to be forced to take the case, and the team makes a wrong diagnosis (or two or three) before saving the patient just before almost inevitable death. I know there were a few (very, very few) episodes that deviated (House goes to the CIA site, the doctor at the south pole, and the finale), but really the formula is as set in concrete as that of "Law and Order." I watch mostly for the House and Wilson interludes.
I watch mostly for the House and Wilson interludes.
That's definitely something I'm enjoying more this season. Wilson is more fun than he was in Season 3.