Damn. I gotta wait until next week?
BTW, the eyeball? Ewwww.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Damn. I gotta wait until next week?
BTW, the eyeball? Ewwww.
ZOMG House.
I will second that.
OK, worried woobie Wilson is just adorable.
ZOMG House
Bears repeating. That was almost Jossian in some way.
Okay. Cuddy? Reeaaaalllly skews my Kinsey scale.
Reeaaaalllly skews my Kinsey scale.
I'm going to keep my Cuddy thoughts on this episode to myself, lest I come across as pervy.
Oops, guess I blew that cover. Oh well.
Well, that was cool! Poor Wilson!
Cuddy is really hot. But I think the schoolgirl ensemble did little for her.she looks hotter in what she usually wears.
Bones annoyed me. They can't believe that anyone really thinks Booth is going to die. He's only going to sport some sexy wounds and be attractively battered for a while.
However, on House , they could decide that it would be interesting for House to spend some time in a coma or paralyzed or brain damaged for a while, and I'm putting even money that Amber's a goner. There's some real peril potential over there. (Plus really good Wilson-woobie potential. His girlfriend could die! His long-time man-crush is injured! Good times. I found it interesting that it was Wilson and Cuddy doing the CPR. Were none of the acolytes willing/worthy?)
Bones is entertaining fluff. House is drama.