Minority report and the player discussed here? Or MR in boxed set?
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
I think MR in boxed set. What is the Player?
Saw the first two episodes of Castle (0r maybe it was a two hour opener divided into two parts). I think this was the worst season open ever for Castle and maybe the worst episode(s). Castle at its best, IMO, consists of absurd plots carried off with style and panache and weird quirky minor characters who the writers and actors make us believe. This had no style, no panance, not much humor, but not any stylish Noir to make up for the lack of humor. They got the unbelievable plot down well, enough, but not the rest.
The London PI was stylish, but she was not enough to redeem the episode. I wonder if she will turn out to have been working for the conspiracy all along in the future, or to be working as a double agent joining the conspiracy in order to infiltrate it. Unfortunately, the completeist in me won't let me stop watching.
And I don't care if this was a setup for Castle to start driving Beckett crazy again. A two hour season opening should be interesting itself and not only set up the pins to be knocked down. Plus at this point, even with the pins nicely lined up I'm not sure I trust this show to not not bowl gutter balls.
I did appreciate the use of Checkov's Gun as an actual gun played for laughs at the beginning. Good deflection to not expect it.
I stopped watching Castle a couple of years ago, because it started taking itself too seriously. I know it's hard to run a long-term show on froth, but that's what made the show unique. And the minor characters were a major selling point: odd, quirky, and it was so nice to have significant characters who weren't the killer. On other shows, the guest stars are either the victim or the killer, they never waste time on red herrings or grace notes.
I didn't even object that much to Beckett and Castle getting together, though I wondered at the appropriateness of police partners being romantic partners from an official standpoint. The biggest hurdle became wondering how NYPD was legally justifying having the presence of a civilian in these investigations. How many defense attorneys called shenanigans on Castle's involvement? But then, cop shows long ago stopped at the arrest/confession/death of the perpetrator, they don't show how a competent defense would throw the whole thing out. (I so want to see Jethro Gibbs being cross-examined by a defense attorney who knows their stuff)
The gun bit was well-played. The bookshelf business was also cleverly done - I appreciated that Castle's extra interior design flairs all got put to practical use.
The only part I really mind is Kate leaving - it looked like she was taking off to pursue the Truth or whatever, but then the previews for next week look like business as usual just, what, they're separated? I suppose it may make more sense next week.
Never expected realism. And Kate did not take off to pursue truth. She is intending to probably pursue truth as police captain. If she does, she intends to stay seperated from Castle to keep him out of the line of fire. If she has not yet made u0 her mind she will stay seperated until she decides not to pursue truth. That is sort of what is implied She is seperating from him until she makes up her mind. If she decides to pursue truth she will say seperated. If she decides to give up pursing turth to save her romance then she will go back to Csgtle. And I thought the gun and bookcase thing were neat too. Plus the whole AG guy saying "You are so cool" was nice grece note. Butl etreme heavihandness was awful
The little opening bit where Alyx had found out the gangsters wife's lover was his brother and not his chef and he was relieve casue he had four brothers but only one chef was a wasted opportunity. Keeping the ganster from killing his brother since Alyx had provided the info would have made a much better and frothier plot - very season 2 reminisicent. And Castle would have felt obliged to stop murder without getting the guy arrested since he was a client who had never lied about intentions.
Castle: I'm not at all happy about this twist. The show was already on the maybe list for me because I haven't really enjoyed the last couple of seasons. I'll probably give it a few more weeks and only because of a feeling of loyalty I have to NF.
Yeah, it's very quickly leaving the tier of "watch while paying attention for details and nuances" and landing on the tier of "good to watch as I'm checking my email," but I stick it out for loyalty to NF and love for Ryan & Espo.
I would like for NF to make me s'morelettes. That I feel pretty confident about.
I would like him to get a new role.