Hannibal: I'm still trying to figure out if Hannibal's cell really looks like that or if it is a mind palace thing. They're really sticking to the text for much of the dialogue.
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
Based on what Alana said, I think the tables visible when he's wearing a jumpsuit are real. The full Dr. Freud's office set is probably just symbolic.
Has anyone else been watching Whitechapel? it's ... interesting ... kind of creepy, disgusting in places ... one of the main characters is/has OCD, but not in a cute or funny way.
I remember watching it...a few years back? I haven't seen it lately so assumed it got axed. Have you found it new somewhere?
On PBS - the UK channel.
I'll poke around their On Demand and see if I can find it. Anyway, yes I enjoyed the show (and the hunky blond lead). But it was sometimes (often) creepifying.
I liked it too, especially the leads.
Some of it was very much watch-from-the-hall material, but I've enjoyed the characters. And hunky blond lead spends a good deal of time having to wash up before putting on a clean shirt.
All 3 seasons of Elementary are on Hulu now. Yay!
Finished Hannibal last night. It was radiant and horrifying, and among the many other things I want I now also want Rutina Wesley to be given all the roles in all the things, always.
And oh, Bedelia. You wouldn't mind being Bluebeard's last wife, and he did have a last wife but it wasn't you. Someone in the comment threads at Birth.Movies.Death (used to be Badass Digest) noted that Gillian Anderson had also recently played Miss Havisham, and there was a forlornly dreadful Havisham echo in that image of her sitting there, trembling and waiting for the host who would never arrive and the terrible feast that would never begin. (Which I know wasn't Fuller's original intent with that image, but it's such a great fan theory I can't let go of it, and he's even said that now that he's heard all the fan theories and fallen in love with so many of them that he kind of regrets having clarified his original intent in a post-finale interview; he feels he should've left it to anyone and everyone's interpretation.)