loved dripping faucet analogy - works for most chronic illnesses that require constant management not just addiction.
Also loved the little character note between Kitty, 'sherlock and Joan. Sherlock tells Kitty she is using too heavy a pick,Joan says the pick is too delicate. In exasperation Kitty asks both to leave her alone, and finishes picking the damn lock.
loved dripping faucet analogy - works for most chronic illnesses that require constant management not just addiction.
Also loved the little character note between Kitty, 'sherlock and Joan. Sherlock tells Kitty she is using too heavy a pick,Joan says the pick is too delicate. In exasperation Kitty asks both to leave her alone, and finishes picking the damn lock.
loved dripping faucet analogy - works for most chronic illnesses that require constant management not just addiction.
Also loved the little character note between Kitty, 'sherlock and Joan. Sherlock tells Kitty she is using too heavy a pick,Joan says the pick is too delicate. In exasperation Kitty asks both to leave her alone, and finishes picking the damn lock.
Ah, meta reasons took Shaw away from POI. Sarah Shahe is having twins.
We did not actually see the kill shot. She very well may be back. I hope.
Castle P.I. was pretty fun. Adds a little tension in the happy marriage scenario.
It was. I like how they played the illicit investigating and information sharing, very cute. Also enjoyed the "voice-over" in Castle's office.
Whew, a nice light episode.
Hannibal season 3 teaser (although damn them for post-poning the season.
Watching last week's Elementary so I can be ready to watch tonight's. Nice to see Katie Finneran! As Steph mentioned elsewhere.