I lost interest when the show became about a cop who was trying to cope with her mother's death and who was followed around by a writer and had quirky co-workers. The show used to be about Castle, not Beckett.
edit: though throwing him out of NYPD puts the focus back on him. Maybe. Unless it becomes about Beckett dealing with her new husband the PI.
The show has been pretty solidly about Castle for a while now. I hear from behind the scenes that a conscious decision was made: This is a Fillion show.
please never ever tell me if you hear from behind the scenes that he is anything but awesome with a side of adorable. I need my imaginary boyfriends to stay unassholey.
Aw, you know I wouldn't, msbelle.
You are the best. As much as I have liked Castle, I would like to see him get a movie or other show and have a roll with a bit more of an edge.
So Gracepoint. Seriously?
I always liked the Beckett/Castle interactions. Thought it at its best with banter and him expasperating her and she outcompeting him.
POssibly related: I mildly rec Mysteries of Laura. Fun, nothing special but fun. OK comedy, OK mysteries, really good acting.
So Gracepoint. Seriously?
Right. Let's make it
an even more depressing ending without really changing anything else.
Had you seen Broadchurch, msbelle?
I wish I hadn't caught only the very last episode of Broadchurch, because then I could watch it from the beginning without knowing the ending, and I could have watched Gracepoint the same way.
I think the twist(s) detracted from the ending and diluted the impact. Trying to think how I'd feel if I didn't have the Broadchurch info. I'm not sure, and I guess we can't really do a compare and contrast here.
In other, related news -- Series 2 of Broadchurch is supposed to start airing in January if my brief googling is true. Cool.