"I'm not IN love with you, but I love you and would be bereft without you."
It could be a whole lot of that.
Jane has had a singular organizing principle and, even in her scolding ways, Lisbon has been a through-line within that organization. Without his original motivation, I can see him thinking...without being totally conscious of it...that he can't live without her. Though, he did seem sanguine about it after the confession.
His love seems more like the sort people developed within certain arranged marriages.
Cho's cluelessness might not have been so clueless after all, but I did think it was funny that the other guy was all, 'DUH, it's as plain as the nose on your face!'.
Cho and Abbott represent the two main factions of fandom in this episode.
Not the only ones, but the polar ones.
That beig said, I do wonder if Cho is playing Abbott.
I have
seen chemistry between Jane and Lisbon. Romantic chemistry. There are enough instances of things that make me say, "If one of my brothers talked to/looked at/acted like that to me, I would need to put continents instead of just time zones between me and the rest of my family."
Whereas for me (which isn't talking about my personal life, nor non-existent brothers) it's one of the most fraternal/sororal relationships on TV bar Pete/Myka (don't say anything).
Who gets to stay fraternal?
ita, I'm with you on Mykes and Pete. They have always felt different to me than Lisbon and Jane.
My wanting no Romance is not because I don't see chemistry. It it because between eight and ten freaking years have passed without Jane making a move. My feeling is that Lisbon should have moved on, regardless of chemistry.
Also, it is one thing to put up with Jane's shit as a co-worker and friend. Can Lisbon really survive Jane's bullshit 24/7/365?
And why would she want to?
Brenda: your comment made me look for the "Like" button.